5 Tips to Take Care of Severe Diaper Rash

27 December 2016

Moms, there are no other things that can beat the happy and joyful feelings when you are playing with your beloved babies and watch them grow day by day. Your babies’ happiness is your cure for fatigue, right Moms?

But your beloved babies’ happiness will drop drastically when diaper rash attacked, especially diaper rash that can’t be cured easily. Usually, this kind of diaper rash will come suddenly, stay for a few days even weeks as if it didn’t want to leave. And even if you managed to cure it, it will come back again soon.

There is no other thing that can make you frustrated more than seeing your beloved babies feel uncomfortable because of diaper rash that won’t come off or always come back, Moms. It seems like your babies’ happiness have just been stolen away by diaper rash.

Here are 5 tips that can help you handle severe diaper rash:

1. Be Careful of What Your Babies Eat

The first thing you can try is to pay attention to what your babies eat or drink. This means to avoid any potential things that can stimulate or worsen diaper rash, because diaper rash can be caused by excretion that affected by what your babies consumed.

2. Always Apply Babydex-A

This is very important. Always apply Babydex-A cream every time you change your beloved babies’ diaper. Your babies’ skin is very sensitive and need a good layer of protection that can keep the area covered by diaper to stay dry and humid-free.

3. One Step Ahead

Always try to be one step ahead to prevent severe diaper rash. Fight severe diaper rash by changing you babies’ diaper when it’s time to change it, even if their diaper is not wet yet. Make sure to always keep the area covered by diaper to stay clean and dry before putting a new diaper, Moms.

4. Clean, Protect, Repeat

Fighting severe diaper rash is a challenge that needs persistence and dedication, Moms. Before changing the diaper, clean the area that covered by diaper softly, and always apply Babydex-A to protect your babies’ skin form irritation and humidity. Repeat this steps every time you’re changing your beloved babies’ diaper, okay Moms?

5. Hug Full of Love

Just like you all already know, diaper rash is very uncomfortable for your beloved babies. This uncomfortable feeling will increase every time you change their diapers. Always give them a hug full of love after you changed their diapers. Babies will feel calmer and safe in their Moms’ arms because they know that their Moms are going to win in fight against severe diaper rash.

Hope this tips are useful for you, Moms. Good luck, Moms!